The word “acolyte” comes from the Greek word “acolytos,” meaning “companion, attendant, or helper.” Acolytes assist the clergy at the altar with a variety of duties, including processing in and out of the service, carrying torches, processing the cross, and flag, lighting the altar candles, and handing the elements to clergy, as they prepare for communion. This ministry includes both youth (ages 8 and up) and adults.
Altar Guild
The Altar Guild is a group of dedicated Episcopalians whose ministry is to prepare for the celebration of all services. It is a ministry that is both specialized and spiritual. Much of what the Altar Guild does is behind the scenes, but as you enter the church, you will see some of their work, as the altar area is prepared for a service.
Greeters (Ushers)
Greeters are a dedicated group who are on duty to assist visitors when they first visit St. John’s. Greeters see that visitors and new members have all their questions answered and get any help they might need. They also assist with the general flow of the Church services. From handing out church bulletins, to assisting congregants in finding a seat, to counting the attendance, this group of men and women see that the service proceeds smoothly. At the Offertory, the Greeters bring forth the plate offering. During Communion, they control the flow of congregants to the Altar rail. Greeters are the ambassadors of the Church, and are there to see that all are made to feel welcome and included.
Lay Eucharistic Ministers (L.E.M.)
These are lay persons licensed by the bishop to administer the consecrated elements of the Eucharist. Lay Eucharistic Ministers may be licensed to administer the consecrated bread and wine at any celebration of the Eucharist in the absence of a sufficient number of priests and deacons to assist the celebrant. They may also be licensed as Lay Eucharistic Visitors to go from a Sunday Eucharist or other principal celebrations of the Eucharist to share the sacrament with members of the congregation who were unable to be present at the celebration because of illness or infirmity. Lay Eucharistic Ministers may be licensed for either or both ministries.
Lay Reader/Lector
Lay Readers are responsible for the Readings for the Day and the Prayers of the People. Readings may be obtained online at so that you can practice the Readings before the service. The Readings are read from the Lectern and the Prayers of the People are read from your pew.
Our church community uses the Hymnal in the pews and the song numbers for each service are noted in the Church Bulletin, as well as on the board on the altar. During season, our choir has practice on Wednesday and leads the hymns at our Sunday and special services. Music is an important part of our worship experience. St. Francis of Assisi was quoted as saying, “He who sings prays twice.”
Parish Nurse
Our parish nurse, Mrs. Caryle Regan, RN, FCN is available to counsel our parishioners on health and wellness. She sends articles and presents programs from time to time on health and safety issues. Caryle is also a liaison between members and appropriate resources they might need in our community.
And if you are in need of a wheelchair, or other medical equipment just ask, she may have available resources.
Youth Ministries
Our youth ministry currently organizes our annual Operation Christmas Child, where shoe boxes are packed with children’s items and sent around the world through Samaritan’s Purse. They also help with being acolytes, readers, coffee hour hosts and do some child care.
Still looking for a way to get involved?
How about helping with the
Sunshine Committee- They make birthday, anniversary, and thinking of you cards for fellow congregants.
Or want to help take photos or write an article for the monthly newsletter?
We are always looking for coffee hour hosts.
Maybe you could help in the office.
Maybe you prefer to get to the heart of things and want to help with the
The Every Perfect Gift stewardship committee.
We have so many ways to get involved. Let us know your skills and talents, and we will help find the perfect job for you.
7771 H. Stringfellow Road
Saint James City, Florida
(239) 283-5439