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Blessing of the Animals

October 5th, 10-noon

September 30, 2023

October 1, 2021

Annual Blessing of the Animals:

For the last 20 years, St. John’s has hosted the annual Blessing of the Animals. The event is held in honor of St. Francis of Assisi, the patron Saint of animals and the environment. During this event, island residents are invited to bring their furry, feathered, and hoofed friends to receive a special blessing from our priest and other participating pastors from the Island Churches. Each animal is presented with a special certificate after they receive their blessing. During the Blessing of the Animals, St. John’s collects canned food goods and donations for the Beacon of Hope Emergency Food Bank. A cookout for all those who attend is then provided. The Blessing of the Animals is a wonderful island tradition, and we wholeheartedly invite you and your pets to join us under the oaks, Saturday October 1, 2022. 

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